Dear Bolton Carley,
We often get take-out to feed ourselves and our two children. The other night, my husband arrived home with Fazzoli’s in hand while I was talking to our neighbor in the driveway. She basically called me a bad mom for always getting take-out. Now, I feel bad every time we order out. What should I do?
Bad Mom
Dear Bad Mom,
Did you immediately call her a bad neighbor for being rude, or ask her if she’d like to start cooking for your family? Didn’t figure so. You were probably too taken aback.
First off, you’re feeding your kids every night. That right there puts you ahead of a large population of moms (as sad as that sounds). Second, if that’s the worst you’re doing wrong, consider yourself Mom of the Year!
Now, that being said, I get the feeling that it hit a nerve and now you’re feeling guilty. If that’s the case, it’s time to take action (and I don’t mean by leaving a “steaming” Styrofoam box of “take-out” for the neighbor). Perhaps, you could start small and try to fix 1 to 2 more meals than you normally do during the week.
Lots of people make meals on the weekend and then just take them out of the freezer throughout the week or one of my favorites is to grill. By grilling, you don’t have a million dishes dirty. Just throw some meat, veggies, and potatoes on the grill and you have a meal. Plus, use paper plates and cut out having to do dishes all together. If you need to save time, that’s a good place to start. That, or if you’re not a griller, there are places on-line where you can find recipes and it makes a grocery list for you. Then you hop over to or or whatever is cheapest and order your groceries so you can pick them up on the way home, again saving you time. So next time the neighbor calls you a bad mom, she’ll have one less reason to do so! J
Bottom line: Choose to ignore your neighbors or choose to make them look bad. But make a decision.